How Botrytis (Grey Mold) Infects A Plant Bee Vectoring Technology 1:49 8 years ago 16 009 Далее Скачать
Bitki Doktorları 1- Kurşuni Küf ( Botrytis cinerea ) ve Mücadelesi Antalya Tarım Online 31:41 Streamed 3 years ago 4 553 Далее Скачать
19 Relationship between quantified Botrytis cinerea levels in pear fruit at harvest and the Botrytis HORTGRO 4:37 6 years ago 60 Далее Скачать
How To Cure Botrytis Blight on Roses: Identify the Disease and Save Your Flowers! Rebekah the UK Plant Doctor 6:59 1 year ago 2 646 Далее Скачать
Botrytis cinerea [Gray Mold] #PestPrimer Mini 1: Cryptic Botrytis Species Zenthanol 0:50 6 years ago 204 Далее Скачать
[Time-lapse] Botrytis cinerea vs grape (gray mold on table grape) mycoLapse 0:49 3 years ago 1 690 Далее Скачать